Call for Papers is Now Open

Contributed papers are solicited describing original works in the below fields and related technologies. All papers need to include at least a paragraph about the “Managerial and Society Impacts of Digital Transformation” of their proposed contribution (E.g., implications in terms of what it means to manage the new technology and the transition, and how to operate them, in a wider context than just the technology).

Co-sponsored by IEEE TEMS

Technical Tracks

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: IoT and AI Applications for Sustainability

Track Chair: Dr. Ismail Arai, Associate Professor at Information Initiative Center, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
  • AI and ML in IoT
  • IoT Architecture with embedded AI
  • AI for IoT edge computing
  • Low-power AI for IoT
  • Distributed AI for IoT
  • IoT with SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
  • Smart Cities
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Big Data and Information Integrity in IoT
  • Non Terrestrial Networks for IoT/AI
  • Beyond 5G, 6G technologies for IoT/AI
  • Digital Twins in IoT applications
  • Indoor localization
  • AI and ML in IoT
  • IoT Architecture with embedded AI
  • AI for IoT edge computing
  • Low-power AI for IoT
  • Distributed AI for IoT
  • IoT with SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
  • Smart Cities
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Big Data and Information Integrity in IoT
  • Non Terrestrial Networks for IoT/AI
  • Beyond 5G, 6G technologies for IoT/AI
  • Digital Twins in IoT applications
  • Indoor localization

Track 2: Cybersecurity and Privacy in IoT Systems and Applications for Safe and Sustainable Societies

Track Chair: Dr. Ali Ismail Awad, Associate Professor, College of Information Technology (CIT), United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation in IoT-enabled Systems
  • Attacks Detection and Prevention Techniques and Methods
  • Ensuring IoT Security and Privacy: Testing, Certification, and Labeling
  • Cryptography, key Management, Authentication, and Authorization for IoT
  • Security, Privacy, and Trust in Virtualization and SDN for Mobile Networks
  • Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology for IoT Security and Privacy
  • Blockchain-based Security and Privacy in Resilient IoT-enabled 5G and Beyond
  • Strategies for Proactive Cybersecurity Incident Prevention and Response in IoT
  • Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for IoT Security and Privacy Protection
  • Innovative Steganography and Watermarking Techniques for IoT Systems
  • Access Control, Anonymity, and Audit Measures for Robust IoT Security
  • Security Challenges in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Harnessing AI for Advanced Attacks Detection and Prevention in IoT
  • Blockchain Integration in Edge and Cloud Computing for IoT Security
  • Securing Emerging IoT Technologies and Real-world Applications
  • Trust Management and Trustworthy Computing in IoT Systems
  • Biometrics Applications in Enhancing IoT Security and Privacy
  • Blockchain for Securing 6G-enabled IoT-based Applications
  • Security Awareness and Effective Training Approaches in IoT
  • Ethical and Legal Considerations in Securing IoT Devices
  • Applying Machine Learning Techniques in IoT Security
  • Security Policy, Governance, and Compliance
  • Threat and vulnerability analysis
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (SPSs) Security
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation in IoT-enabled Systems
  • Attacks Detection and Prevention Techniques and Methods
  • Ensuring IoT Security and Privacy: Testing, Certification, and Labeling
  • Cryptography, key Management, Authentication, and Authorization for IoT
  • Security, Privacy, and Trust in Virtualization and SDN for Mobile Networks
  • Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology for IoT Security and Privacy
  • Blockchain-based Security and Privacy in Resilient IoT-enabled 5G and Beyond
  • Strategies for Proactive Cybersecurity Incident Prevention and Response in IoT
  • Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for IoT Security and Privacy Protection
  • Innovative Steganography and Watermarking Techniques for IoT Systems
  • Access Control, Anonymity, and Audit Measures for Robust IoT Security
  • Security Challenges in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Harnessing AI for Advanced Attacks Detection and Prevention in IoT
  • Blockchain Integration in Edge and Cloud Computing for IoT Security
  • Securing Emerging IoT Technologies and Real-world Applications
  • Trust Management and Trustworthy Computing in IoT Systems
  • Biometrics Applications in Enhancing IoT Security and Privacy
  • Blockchain for Securing 6G-enabled IoT-based Applications
  • Security Awareness and Effective Training Approaches in IoT
  • Ethical and Legal Considerations in Securing IoT Devices
  • Applying Machine Learning Techniques in IoT Security
  • Security Policy, Governance, and Compliance
  • Threat and vulnerability analysis
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (SPSs) Security

Track 3: AI and IoT Regulations and Policies for Next-Gen Intelligence

Track Chair: Dr. Sevinj Iskandarova, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business Administration, Bridgewater College, USA
  • AI and Government
  • Promoting Ethical Practices in AI and IoT
  • Global AI policy development and implications
  • Exploring Standards and Certification for AI and IoT Devices
  • Addressing Liability and Accountability in AI and IoT
  • Role of AI Policy in the Next-Gen Intelligence. How can responsible leaders bridge innovation and caution for a sustainable, safe future alongside revolution?
  • Evaluating Regulatory Impact on Innovation and Market Competition
  • Responsible AI and Ethical Issues for Employees, Companies, and Governments
  • Informing AI policy in business, industry, and more
  • AI and IoT Regulation: What privacy professionals need to know?
  • AI and Government
  • Promoting Ethical Practices in AI and IoT
  • Global AI policy development and implications
  • Exploring Standards and Certification for AI and IoT Devices
  • Addressing Liability and Accountability in AI and IoT
  • Role of AI Policy in the Next-Gen Intelligence. How can responsible leaders bridge innovation and caution for a sustainable, safe future alongside revolution?
  • Evaluating Regulatory Impact on Innovation and Market Competition
  • Responsible AI and Ethical Issues for Employees, Companies, and Governments
  • Informing AI policy in business, industry, and more
  • AI and IoT Regulation: What privacy professionals need to know?

Important Dates


Aug, 2024

Technical Paper/Panel or Tutorial Proposal Submission Due Date

Sep, 2024

Acceptance Notification

Oct, 2024

Camera-ready Submission

19, 20, 21

November, 2024

GCAIoT Conference

Strict Deadline

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